Home Product MOLECULAR FISH ALK Breakapart Detection Kit

ALK Breakapart Detection Kit

Clinical Significance:
1. Guidelines medication:The SFDA has approved Crizotinib as a targeted treatment for advanced ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer. The essential condition of medicine treatment,XALKORI(Crizotinib), is required to test for ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer by FISH. At the beginning,IHC preliminary screening could be operated for the sample screening of (D5F3 or 5A4 antibody) and 1+ (more than 5% of the cell color), after then do FISH to confirm positive.ALK gene fusion is an important biological characteristic of non-small cell lung cancer. Patients with positive ALK gene fusion are sensitive to Crizotinib.
2. The monograph, [Chinese Experts Consensus on ALK Positive Non-small cell Lung Cancer Diagnosis (2013 edition)] illustrates that  the proportion of ALK gene positive was as high as 30%-42% in the NSCLC patients group whom is youth (<60 years old) with non-smoking and adenocarcinoma as well as their gene of EGFR, KRAS, HER-2 or P53 has no mutation.
3. Pathological morphology studies suggest that the positive rate in mucus-type or real adenocarcinoma containing imprinted cells is higher than in other types of lung adenocarcinoma.


ALK Normal

ALK Breakapart

More Info

Probe Description: ALK

Cat.No.: CF1010

Specification: 10 tests/box, 20 tests/box

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